Thursday, October 23, 2014

Tonight's dinner....Rotiss Chicken, steamed veggies, and asparagus

Tonight we had the Rotiss chicken that I bought from Whole Foods....well one of them....the other chicken will be used for another dish later down the road :)  At 2 for $15 you can't beat it, esp for Whole Foods.  We had the chicken, steamed veggies, and some asparagus for dinner.

FYI--My dinner plates I used are HUGE!  This serving looks tiny but it was NOT!  My regular dinner plates were in the dishwasher....LOL...

After we got down chowing down, I placed the bones in a large pot and added water and some sea salt, then boiled on the stove top for about 1 hour.  Normally when I make chicken stock I add celery and carrots but since this batch was for my kids I skipped the extra veggies and went simple.

I strain the bones and get this wonderful broth which is great to freeze for future use!

This was the leftover rotiss chicken which was not much but enough to make my kids their favorite chicken noodle soup which will serve as dinner when we have something they refuse to eat during the fish :)

I added the chicken to the pot, seasoned with salt and pepper and brought to a boil.
I then added egg noodles and cooked for about 10 minutes.

Meal Breakdown:

Chicken was $7.50
I got 3 chicken dinner meals and 3 chicken noodle soup meals out of this chicken.
This chicken @ $7.50 / 6 = $1.25

Egg noodles were $1.99 and I used only 1/5 of the package.

$1.99/5 = $.39 for 3 soup servings = .13 per serving

Soup cost $1.38 per serving

TIP* ALWAYS save your bones and make home made stock/broth*  Freeze it for future as well :)

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